When we think and talk about today’s career journey, we acknowledge that it will last for decades. So we focus our attention on how to set goals, emphasize strengths and skills, handle multiple job changes and make positive work-life transitions,
Have you ever looked at your career journey this way? Over the course of your work-life, you will have worked in, worked for, and worked with; started, joined, led, left, returned, built, closed and consulted. You will have created a portfolio of part-time, full time, paid and nonpaid work experiences. And it’s very likely that you will have done none of this alone!
What is often forgotten in our thinking, conversations and career planning is how to build and sustain a network that can help us at each step along the way! Regardless of where you are in your career journey, networking is what connects people and moves careers forward. A network puts you on a strong foundation of positive professional and personal interactions. It provides opportunities to demonstrate your expertise, establish important relationships and become known within and beyond your workplace or industry. A network is earned through effort; it doesn’t just happen. It is based on the quality of the connections you’ve made
Hunt Dirlam Associates was founded by Patricia Hunt Dirlam in 1993 to help career-minded individuals and organizations meet the changes of the world of work by learning and integrating the seven fundamental work-life principles outlined in her book, The Power of Everyday Networking. The same principles inform her presentations, programs and executive coaching. From the beginning, Patti has challenged the old ways of thinking about managing career advancement and transitions and has created new, more authentic ways to help her clients develop, network, and make a difference.